Customer service is a very important aspect of any business or practice, but U.S. companies lose $41 billion every year due to poor customer service. Why is this though?
Customer service goes beyond a friendly face and useful information — although those things are certainly important as well. Accessibility is a huge aspect of customer service, but not all companies have that idea at the forefront.
Surveys show that 79% of consumers would rather talk to a company on the phone over any other form of communication, and 69% of people agree that over-the-phone customer service is better and more helpful than it is online, according to Forrester, yet most businesses do not offer any after hours answering services. Four out of five people will hang up on a business if they hear a voicemail, as opposed to leaving a message.
A live answering service is the best way to combat these statistics and improve your business practices. Having someone on-hand to take phone calls is not always doable in-house, but it’s possible to hire a business to answer phones for you any time you need. Whether it be after normal business hours, on specific days of the week, or a full 24 hours.
After hours answering services are especially useful for doctor’s offices that don’t offer extended-day care. By employing a 24-hour receptionist staff, emergency medical situations can be deferred to a reputable associate of your physician who offers services during the time of your call.
The problem with not having a customer service representative available at all times it that the customer may feel neglected of their needs. Many companies choose to have automated call systems, but those shockingly don’t seem to help either. By choosing scripted or automated message systems, a business loses two crucial elements of customer service: empathy and emotion.
Call answering services with live representatives revolutionize customer service in the age of instant gratification. Today, 91% of American citizens have their phone within reach at all times of the day. That means that they have the ability to make an inquiry at any time of the day, as well. Make sure that your company is prepared to answer these calls, and put forth the best quality customer service possible.