Guidance on Business, Finance, Investments, and Insurance
Prescriptions for Needed Medications Can Come with Low Copays or High Prices
No parent wants to get a phone call from a college student 12 hours from home that the doctor has again diagnosed strep throat. With a third prescription for antibiotics in a year and half, the strep throat diagnosis is…
5 Benefits to Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service
Hiring commercial cleaning services to take care of your business is an incredibly good idea. There are many companies that have outsourced cleaning services because they realize how much better for the business it is. You may be having your…
How to Increase Your Charitable Giving Year Round
Americans spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on the purchase of new clothing items yearly. Most children are given new clothing and shoe items for Christmas and birthday presents. Adults may gift clothing items as well. What happens to the…
MasterCard Unveils New Weapon in its War Against Credit Card Fraud
Credit card fraud is a big problem around the world. Credit card loses amounted to a whopping $16.31 billion in 2014. Chargebacks, which occur when a customer, disputes a charge on their credit card statements, cause merchants and others serious…
Moving Ahead in Technology with HVAC
When you have an AC unit that is giving you problems, it’s important to get it repaired quickly before temperatures become dangerous for you and your household. When you need air conditioning services, you need to find a company that…