A front sign on your business is actually a very important marketing tool. You may have not put much thought originally into your exterior sign, but it can always be replaced. The exterior sign of the business sets the tone of the type of service or product that the business offers. The sign is responsible for attracting customers. It also notifies customers of the businesses location. A sign can come in all sizes, colors, and shapes. A great deal of thought and planning should go into the exterior signage of your business.
Colorful signs
Colorful signs are helpful because they attract attention. Most exterior signs are in a neutral color, allowing it to blend in with nearby companies. Depending on the type of products or services that you offer at your place of business, a colorful sign may be beneficial. Full color LED signs will almost always attract attention. You need to distinguish if attention is appropriate for your business type or not.
Simple signs
A simple sign serves its purpose of identifying its location. Simple signs are often used in businesses that use other types of marketing. For example, an attorney or tax professional may not get much business from customers walking in off the road. Their current customers are looking for someone with a level of professionalism that a colorful sign cannot achieve. The sign?s existence, however, is still important to notify customers of your location. Approximately 35% of people would not have discovered a business had it not been for their sign.
Marquee signs
Marquee signs are larger and are usually used to direct people to a specific location. In most cases, the customer is already aware of their destination, but simply need help locating it. Electronic marquee signs for schools, for example, may be used to notify guests of the football field for an important football game. The marquee signs may also be used to direct traffic to a specific concert venue or county fairground location.
Digital signs
Electric business signs and digital signs for business are a newer trend. Digital signs for business are quickly replacing regular exterior signs. They are easier to see and can translate a larger amount of information. Digital signs for business often include necessary business information, as well as interesting facts about the business or available discounts and sales that are currently going on. Scrolling digital signs allow potential customers to pay attention to the advertisement for as long as they desire.
Digital LED business signs have increased in popularity for many reasons. Firstly, they are easier to read. People are not required to read small writing or poorly designed graphics. They are also more weather resistant, making them a great option for even those businesses in high rain or snow locations. Studies show that adding or changing a sign directly improves sales revenue. Replacing a store front wall sign with a larger sign increases revenue by 7.7%. You may see even more of an increase in new digital signs for businesses.
Billboard ads
Billboards are a great way to attract customers who may have otherwise not got off a freeway or major road. People who are driving are tempted to view billboards, because it breaks up the minuteness of driving long distances. Approximately 71% of people often look at the messages on roadside billboards (traditional and digital combined). These billboards also tend to be successfully in encouraging people to pull off the nearest exit, making them a popular marketing sign choice.
The exterior signs that you choose for your business may be more important than you think. Some customers may judge you based on the type and style of your sign. They may make an unconscious decision to visit or stay away from your business. Consider all of the types of exterior signs that are available today and find the one that works best for your business and its marketing needs.