In 2018 the sale of legal cannabis amounted to nearly $10 billion and that number has only continued to rise. When legalized in Illinois early in 2020, first-day sales alone totaled approximately $3.2 million, with the state raking in more than $10 million in taxes within the first month. It’s no secret that the legal cannabis business is booming, and while this is beneficial to millions, it can also be a great career path for those looking for a secure and fun source of employment. However, working in a dispensary requires specialized training and certification. If this line of work is something that interested you, here is what you need to know about getting started.
How Certifications Can Help Get You Hired
Dispensary technician training isn’t an all-in-one specialization and there are many different facets within the cannabis industry that you can choose to become certified in. At a glance, there are six different areas that you can choose from. These include growing, dispensary opening, delivery, law, medical, and creating edibles. It is important to have an idea of where in the industry you want to set your focus and begin a course that suits that career path. Undergoing some form of dispensary technician training before applying at your local dispensary can also make you more likely to be hired, as it shows that you have a genuine interest in the field. Even applying while still in the process of being certified can help you get your foot in the door so that you can move up once you are certified. While not all dispensaries will require their employees to have dispensary certifications, more and more are becoming keen on hiring specialized employees who can help keep them competitive in the market. Certification is also helpful for giving you the knowledge needed to answer customer inquiries correctly. Since many people go to dispensaries with no prior knowledge of cannabis products, it’s prudent for you to be able to answer any questions they have so that they can get the products that are best for them. Without prior dispensary technician training, this type of customer service can be difficult.
Where Can You Get Certified
Once you have decided that a career working with cannabis is for you, you can begin selecting the courses that are right for you. While you can find in-person classes, the great thing about cannabis certifications is that you can also easily get them online. Online cannabis certification courses can offer easy access to classes without disrupting your current schedule. Classes like this are flexible and tailored to help you become certified as effortlessly as possible.
Online dispensary technician training is an invaluable resource to help you break into this continuously growing market and stay competitive when it comes to the business. If you’re looking to start your cannabis career journey, check out the online courses available to you, and get started today so that you can find your place in this ever-expanding industry.