Do you want a new job but want one with great pay? There are more jobs that you probably know about available to you if you have the right experience and desire. This guide gives some insight into nine different jobs that offer great pay.
Interior Designer
An interior designer makes great pay. If you enjoy decorating and designing homes and buildings, an interior design service might be the place for you. Interior designers make spaces beautiful, functional, and safe. They determine the requirements and select both essential and decorative items. They pick lighting, colors, materials, and decor.
There are some requirements for the job. First, an interior designer must be able to read, edit, and draw blueprints. In addition, they have to know inspection regulations, building codes, and other standards. Second, as an interior designer, you will bid on jobs and determine a client’s goals for the space and project. Next, you will sketch preliminary design plans, including electrical and partition layouts. You can sketch by hand, but you don’t have to because there are applications that can help you. Third, you create a timeline for the project and estimate project costs. It’s your responsibility to stay on schedule and budget. Finally, you place all the orders for materials and oversee any installation.
You may have to work with architectural, engineering, and other related services. Interior designers need a bachelor’s degree to enter the field. You can expect the average mid-range wage to be about $60,340. Corporate designers envision interior designs for professional workplaces, from small offices to large buildings. They create spaces that are efficient, functional, and safe for employees. They may incorporate the company’s brand.
Sustainable interior designers develop strategies to improve energy and water efficiencies, indoor air quality, and environmentally sustainable products. Healthcare designers use data and research in design decision-making to achieve positive results for patients, residents, and facilities. They often work in healthcare centers, clinics, doctors’ offices, and hospitals.
Working as a plumber is a way to earn great pay. A plumber installs and maintains pipes in businesses and homes. Pipes must be installed and maintained for drinking water, draining, sewage, and irrigation. A local plumbing company can do hands-on work or may handle design, drafting blueprints, and ensuring the installation process is correct and efficient.
Plumbers like to stay in this profession until they retire. Many switch to part-time or consulting work after retirement. Plumbers must understand safety standards and building regulations and safety standards. It’s their job to uphold those standards. There are laws that regulate plumbing, and plumbers must have some knowledge and understanding of those laws. Plumbers often work directly with customers and homeowners.
They use air pressure and gauges to test and check pipes. Then, they install new pipe systems by fitting, measuring, cutting, and threading pipes. In some situations, plumbers work with architects to provide valuable knowledge about the best positions for fixture locations. This helps to save time and avoid expensive mistakes. You can expect the average mid-range wage to be about $59,880. Most plumbers have an associate’s degree or a plumbing certificate from a trade school. However, other plumbers have high school diplomas and learn the trade while on the job. This field usually has an apprenticeship process where you work with and learn from someone that is an expert.
A lawyer is another job with great pay. Lawyers represent businesses and individuals and give advice on disputes and legal issues. A lawyer represents clients in courts, before government agencies, and in private legal matters. They communicate with their clients, colleagues, and judges involved in the case. In addition, lawyers may conduct research and analysis of legal problems, then interpret laws, rulings, and regulations for individuals and businesses.
Lawyers will present facts in writing and verbally to their clients and argue on behalf of their clients. They prepare and file legal documents, including lawsuits, appeals, wills, contracts, and deeds. As a lawyer, you will be an advisor and advocate. As an advocate, a lawyer represents their client in a trial by presenting evidence and arguing in support of their client. When lawyers practice criminal law, they defend those accused of crimes. This type of lawyer is also called a criminal defense attorney.
Public defense attorneys represent individuals who can’t afford to hire their own private attorney. Environmental lawyers handle issues and regulations related to the environment. They may work for advocacy groups, waste companies, or government agencies to ensure compliance with relevant laws. Tax lawyers handle tax-related issues for individuals and corporations. They help clients navigate complex tax regulations. Tax lawyers ensure their clients pay accurate taxes on items such as income, property, and profits. You can expect the average mid-range wage for a lawyer to be about $127,990.
While working in the dental field may not be appealing to everyone, it does have great pay. Dentists diagnose and treat problems with teeth, gums, and the mouth. They provide instructions on taking care of teeth and gums. They educate patients on how diet choices affect oral health.
Dentists perform examinations, remove tooth decay, and fill cavities. They can remove or repair any damaged teeth. Dentists can perform cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening. They provide anesthetics to keep patients from feeling pain during procedures. Dentists are able to prescribe medications. They diagnose problems with the teeth, gums, and jaw with tools, including x-rays. Dentists use other equipment like drills, probes, forceps, scalpels, and brushes.
While many dentists practice general dentistry, there are specialized dental areas. For example, orthodontists straighten teeth with braces or other appliances. In addition, endodontists perform root canal therapy by removing the nerves and blood supply from infected teeth.
Pediatric dentists focus on children patients. Periodontists treat the gums and bones that support the teeth. Oral radiologists diagnose diseases in the head and neck, while oral and maxillofacial surgeons operate on the mouth, teeth, gums, neck, and head. In addition, surgeons perform surgical procedures to repair a cleft lip or cleft palate. You can expect the average mid-range wage for a dentist to be about $163,220.
Automotive service technicians are in high need and receive great pay. Mechanics inspect, maintain, and repair vehicles. They often used computerized diagnostic equipment to identify problems. Technicians test systems and parts to verify they’re working. They often have checklists they follow to ensure they get all the critical parts.
Mechanics perform basic maintenance and care like oil changes, rotating tires, and checking fluid levels. They also replace or repair brake pads, wheel bearings, and sensors. Technicians also work in transmission repair shops. In addition, service technicians work on engines, transmissions, and drive belts.
They use specialized tools including computerized diagnostic tools and power tools. They have experience with pneumatic wrenches, lathes, welding torches, and jacks and hoists. Most often, technicians don’t own their own tools. They belong to their employers. Mechanics have experience with wrenches, pliers, sockets, and ratchets. Technicians own these types of tools. They often spend thousands of dollars on their own hand tools. Some may even purchase their own pneumatic tools.
Air conditioning technicians install and repair air conditioners and parts. They have knowledge of compressors, condensers, and controls. In addition, these technicians must be trained and certified to handle refrigerants. Brake technicians diagnose brake system problems, replace brake rotors and pads, and adjust brakes. Many of these technicians specialize in both brake and front-end work. Finally, transmission technicians work on gear trains, couplings, hydraulic pumps, and other parts of transmissions. They have extensive knowledge of computer controls and can diagnose electrical and hydraulic problems. You can expect the average mid-range wage for a mechanic to be about $46,880.
Motivational Speaker
Motivational speakers give inspirational and informative speeches to groups of people. Motivational speaking is another job that offers great pay. They are often hired by businesses, schools, and resorts to speak on topics such as achieving personal or financial success. They also speak about living a healthy lifestyle or organizing one’s personal life or business. As a motivational speaker, you must change your message to the audience.
When giving speeches, motivational speakers have hundreds or thousands of people watching and listening, which may seem stressful to some. However, for you to be a great motivational speaker, you must find it thrilling. They generally speak indoors but may work outdoors on occasions like a graduation ceremony. When not giving motivational speeches, you typically work from home to gather information for their next assignment and look for new business opportunities. The job market depends on their specialty and targeted audiences. When you’re a motivational speaker, you’re self-employed. Therefore, you must be resourceful and marketable, which will determine your success. You can expect the average mid-range wage for a motivational speaker to be about $72,964.
Forensic Expert
A forensic specialist may spend most of their day in a lab, but others spend their days at crime scenes searching for evidence. Many specialize in a single area of forensic investigation and specific forensic assessments like analyzing fingerprints or photographing crime scenes. Forensics experts receive great pay.
Crime scene technicians focus on collecting evidence at crime scenes. They take direction from detectives at the scene but look for their judgment and expertise. Crime scene investigators have extensive training in evidence and what is important. In addition, they are knowledgeable about how to remove evidence from the scene without damaging it.
A criminal investigator understands that extensive record-keeping is crucial. When assigned to a case, they must look at the case files to understand everything they need to know about the investigation. Next, crime scene investigators collect evidence from a scene, making detailed notes describing the evidence. Then, they draw sketches of the scene, including the locations of all collected evidence.
Crime scene photographers create a visual record of the scene. They take photos of the scene, including the victim’s body, weapons, or other evidence. They take photographs from multiple angles and perspectives so that investigators, prosecutors, and jurors can envision the scene. You can expect the average mid-range wage for a forensic expert to be about $65,000.
Roofers get great pay to replace, repair, and install the roofs of buildings. They use a variety of materials, including shingles, bitumen, and metal. First, roofers inspect damaged roofs to determine the best way to repair them. Next, they measure roofs to calculate the quantities of materials needed. Then, they replace damaged or rotting joists or plywood or remove entire existing roof systems. Roofers also install vapor barriers, layers of insulation, and roof ventilation.
Roofers install shingles, asphalt, metal, or materials to weatherproof the roof. They align roofing materials with the edges of the roof and cut roofing materials to fit around walls or vents. Roof contractors cover exposed nails with roofing cement or caulk to prevent leakage. They ensure that roofs are installed properly to keep water from leaking into homes and buildings. You can expect the average mid-range wage for a roofer to be about $47,110.
HVAC Technician
An HVAC technician makes great pay installing, maintaining, and repairing heating and air conditioning systems. HVAC technicians spend their time working in residential and commercial settings to ensure the systems function properly and efficiently. In addition, they are responsible for AC repair and services to prevent system breakdowns. HVAC technicians use tools and equipment to complete tasks. They are experienced with hand tools, power tools, testing equipment, and computerized diagnostic tools.
They work with refrigerants, which are dangerous when not handled properly. An HVAC technician inspects and tests HVAC systems. Then, they install new HVAC systems or repair an existing one. In addition, they perform cleaning and air filter maintenance on HVAC systems. You can expect wages for an HVAC technician to be between $21,500 to $124,500.
These nine jobs pay well and could be right for you. This guide gives information about each career choice to help you decide your next career move. Consider these jobs before making any decisions.