Are you trying to bolster your school marquee or garner more business revenue? You might need to change your sign. It’s easy to get swept up in the day-to-day obligations of maintaining a business or establishment, but one of the most common mistakes people make is neglecting their most obvious first impression. A sign is more than just an obligation — it’s an easy way for people to identify a business, locate it in a crowded marketplace and gain a favorable impression with basic information. If you’re a little lost on where to start, take a glance at the list below to learn more about electronic school signs and digital signs for business.
What Makes A Good Sign?
Marquee signs, be they a school marquee or church marquee, function very much like your average digital signs. They’re meant to be the bridge between establishment and consumer, offering them a simple way of locating a building and getting the necessary information they need to continue. Studies have shown 35% of people wouldn’t have discovered a business at all had it not been for the sign. Another study for Best Buy saw around 17% of walk-in customers visiting because of the sign.
What Makes A Bad Sign?
Now for the opposite end of the spectrum. A bad sign is one that doesn’t properly relay the necessary information for a casual observer, losing their interest or even turning them off with a lackluster presentation. A sign should be placed in a clever location where it’ll be seen by many traveling eyes, such as by a roadside or in a downtown space that receives a lot of foot traffic. The sign should be a decent size so it’s easy to read at a distance and shouldn’t have more than two or three colors to reduce the risk of looking noisy. A school marquee or church marquee sign should adopt many of these goals to be effective.
Are LED Signs Popular?
The short answer? Very much so. Industry professionals have estimated the next few years to be paramount for LED signs and their growth, with some expectations as high as 53% in the global lighting industry. The average LED sign company strives to marry both graphic design and modern technology, creating an advertising experience that’s difficult for even the most casual of viewers to forget. Electronic school signs have fast become the standard and this is expected to carry over to churches, businesses and non-profit establishments.
What Other Tips Should I Know?
Did you know 85% of a business’ customers live or work within five miles of its location? Keep this in mind when establishing your school marquee or digital signs. Another poll saw respondents over the age of 18 learning about an event through billboard sightings — billboards, even now, are one of the most reliable ways of connecting with consumers on the go. When it comes to designing a logo less is usually more — while it’s tempting to coat it in splashy colors and graphics, a more striking composition will help more than a confused one.
Which Sign Is Right For Me?
A billboard is perfect for when you want to catch someone’s attention when they’re on the go, while a digital sign can be ideal for establishments that want to look more modern. Whichever one you choose, being clever and using all of the above tips will go a long way in making sure you don’t lose money in the long run. Location should be actively taken into consideration when establishing a new sign, while choosing advanced options like a scrolling marquee sign or LED sign will look more favorable to modern eyes. How will you boost your outdoor display today?