Engineers are always looking for ways to improve their job and to make it easier. With consistent advancements in technology and science, new tools also improve the way regular tools are used. Engineers are constantly measuring and calculating items that need to be accurate, to ensure that the final product as correct. Any tool or improvement on a tool that can improve the measurement accuracy is beneficial to the industry. The following factors are important in a tool that is beneficial and accurate.
The ability to have custom measurements.
Not every job is the same. One measurement may not work for another one. Therefore, any measurement device that is used needs to be entirely accurate to ensure proper completion. If the measurements are off, an inaccurate amount of supplies may be ordered, or the wrong tools may be used, making the job much more difficult. Torque wrench measurements, for example, should be the exact measurement, down to the specific centimeter.
Properly loaded and calibrated load cells.
Load cells are important to the accuracy of weighing certain items. Load cells are frequently used as part of a weighing system because they offer non intrusive, highly accurate load measurement data, with properly installed and calibrated load cells routinely accuracies of around 0.03 to 1% (depending on load cell type). Load cells that are properly calibrated are best when paired with torque wrench measurements that are accurate.
Regular recalibration.
It is not enough to have a load cell correctly calibrated once. Most load cells require regular calibration to remain entirely accurate. For example, ISO9000 and many other standards specify the maximum period between recalibration as once every two years and more frequently if the instrument deterioration is significant during that period (typically more than 1%). In other words, if the load cells are used frequently, in multiple situations, it is best to have it recalibrated more often to ensure that it remains accurate.
Customized torque sensors.
Customizing measurements and sensors can also be helpful in ensuring accuracy. Custom torque sensors ensure that fasters and bolts are secure. In order for them to be secure, the torque wrench measurements need to be correct. This might involve custom measurements. Fortunately with advancements in technology, this customization process is easier than it once was.
Proper temperature of sensors.
It is important to choose tools and sensors for the specific type of environment of the project. Some load cells, for example, are made for specific temperatures. There are five types of the load cells depending on the primary and secondary element that is used to sense the force. These are, strain gauge type load cells, hydraulic load cells, diaphragm load cells, spool type load cells and ring type load cells. The hydraulic load cells are best suited for extremely cold weather and are often used in climates that go beyond 0 degrees, and into the negative temperatures.
Use a measurement service, when needed.
If an engineer does not have the ability to customize their load cells or torque wrench measurements, it may make more sense to hire a measurement service. The measurement service will have the necessary equipment that is needed for an accurate measure. This will ensure that the work is secure. A measurement service may be used until the appropriate equipment can be obtained.
Engineers work on a variety of projects. They also use multiple types of tools to ensure that their work is entirely accurate. Without these tools, the measurements of torque sensors and load cells would be off. Sometimes even custom measurements are needed for more difficult of projects. Consider the services of a measurement service when accuracy is not available with current tools.