From the telecommunications leader to security solutions to structured cabling, technology in the workforce has become a must here in the United States (as well as in many other parts of the world). After all, different aspects of technology can truly be used for so many different things and the variety of applications for technology should never be underestimated. In the years that are to come, our reliance on technology as employees in the United States is only likely to continue to grow and to grow, especially as technologies themselves continue to advance at a rapid pace.
Take, for instance, the matter of security. Security systems have become more advanced than ever before here in the United States, and it’s all thanks to the growing accessibility to various technological solutions. Security cameras are more high quality than ever, with some companies even selling security cameras that have resolutions of 1080 pixels – and certainly no less than 720 pixels, which is still quite impressive. Many of these security cameras are even cloud connected, meaning that the security footage that they record can be stored and reviewed over indefinitely, with little chance of the footage being lost.
After all, theft is a real problem for many a business here in the United States – a problem that has only grown as the years have passed on. In the current day, it’s actually been estimated that theft alone, be it employee theft or theft from customers and consumers, can cost as much as a collective $40 billion over the course of the year and even in years where not so much theft occurs, the cost of theft typically never dips below $20 billion for businesses and companies all throughout the country. Fortunately, the use of video security camera systems can make a huge difference in not only preventing left, as people are less likely to steal when they notice that some type of security and surveillance system is in place, but in catching people who do still steal.
And technology has been instrumental not just in the field of security but in the lives of many employees as well, thanks to the fact that the United States is a top telecommunications leader of the world. As a telecommunications leader, this country is offering more opportunities for remote work than ever before. In fact, the data that has been gathered on this subject more than backs up this claim, showing that up to half of the workforce has the opportunity for at least part time remote work where they telecommute to work instead of actually coming in to the office. And many people have even been able to work remotely from home on a full time basis, something that can be hugely beneficial for a number of different reasons.
As a telecommunications leader, the United States has also been a leader in VoIP phone systems, something that can even help to make things like telecommuting (and being a telecommunications leader, as the two go hand in hand, of course) all the easier than it has ever been before. These types of business phone systems are becoming more commonplace than ever in many a workplaces all throughout the country, further cementing our country’s status as a prominent telecommunications leader.
And not only does it give us the prestige as a telecommunications leader but actually helps employees on an individual scale to get more work done than ever before. In fact, productivity has been seen to increase by nearly four hours each and every week, which might seem like a small amount but will actually add up to be quite significant indeed when you look at things on a larger scale. And this is only the amount of productive work per employee, with even larger savings when you look at places of work as a whole.
All in all, the use of technology has led to a great deal of progress here in the United States. This progress can be seen in many different places, from better security to higher levels of productivity to the option for more remote work.