The car is loaded. You have fresh ingredients for making soups on ice. You have packaged pasta, spices, and various other kinds of ingredients to prepare meals for your daughter. She is a senior in college and the time between Homecoming and winter break gets pretty crazy. For that reason you are arriving a little early for the Homecoming events and have rented a house instead of a hotel. With a fully equipped kitchen, you have used this home before to create some of your daughter’s favorite home cooked meals. This time, however, you have also packed resealable pouches which will allow her to freeze some of the soups and main dishes that she can eat at a later date.
You will also take her to the store to get some fast cook meals for her, but you are hoping that the resealable pouches in the freezer will be her go to more often.
Finding the Right Food Packaging Labels Can Help You Successfully Store Advance Meals
The same resealable pouches that are used in professional food packaging industries can serve a very similar purpose in the home. In fact, if you use the highest professional food pouches you can actually package food that will last for months in your home freezer.
In addition to the preservation that packaging provides, the labels on food is also helpful. In fact, as many as 85% of shoppers indicate that their purchase decisions are informed by reading a product package while shopping. Even more telling may be the fact that the 2016 West Rock Consumer Insights Study found that 66% of consumers have tried a new product because the packaging caught their eye. This means that companies can make their products more successful if they invest in the highest quality and the most attractive packing graphics.
Consider these facts and figures about the food processing industry and the many roles that it plays:
- As many as Nearly 52% of online consumers indicate that they would return to a business for another purchase if they receive their products in premium packaging.
- Businesses that pay close attention to packaging have reported an increase in consumer interest of as much as 30%.
- All competing to attract the attention of the consumer, the average American supermarket holds more than 20,000 products.
- 40% of consumers would share a photo of a product on social media if they thought the packaging is interesting.
- Research indicates that 62% of Americans read food labels
Whether you are looking at food packaging in the grocery store or you are trying to make plans for packaging food in your own house, it is important to make sure that you decide on the highest quality that you can afford.