As a small business owner, the entire function of your business likely rests squarely on your shoulders. You need to know how to keep your business operational at all times, especially if you rely on the internet to operate effectively. That means you need the right hardware and software to succeed.
One of the components of business technology hardware that many people don’t know much about is the server. A server is a computer that is used to support people interacting with your business from other computers.
These people could be customers or employees. For example, your employees’ work should be stored on one central server instead of on their individual computers.
If creating and maintaining a server is beyond your current technological abilities, you don’t have to worry. Many small business owners partner with managed server hosting services to keep their businesses running. These services maintain the hardware and software required to keep servers secure and functional so you don’t have to worry about it. They also provide tech support as needed.
But if you do want to have your own server to ensure you have a self-sufficient business, you can watch the video above. The business owner there will guide you as you set up your server.