Office buildings are continuously growing and space is becoming more and more limited. There are levels and levels of high rise buildings containing cubicles filled with hard working business people and sometimes new space is required but the budget won’t allow a completely new remodel. What can you do to add more space without costing a whole ton of cash? It may be time to consider in-plant modular offices.
In-plant modular offices are prefabricated office spaces that can be placed within office spaces. These modular spaces are simple to have placed within warehouses, large buildings, and onsite at construction projects. There are two different kinds of modular offices, permanent and relocatable. You can have these prefabricated office spaces created to give your employees their own personal work space. Depending on what type of space you want to make for them they could be simple walls or completely covered and separate from the entire office space with doors and windows.
An in-plant modular offices are perfect for the foreman and supervisors to have their own work space but keeps them close enough to be able to communicate with other workers. These spaces are made super fast compared to other constructed office spaces. They can be created in about 25% of the time it takes to design a regular office space. Not only will the time be cut in construction but the amount of resources used to make these in-plant offices is significantly less. So not only are these little buildings great for your wallet but great for the environment.
In-plant modular offices can help increase productivity in the workplace. By giving a quiet space to superiors to get things done you can ensure they can concentrate and work harder. Having the space on site keeps communication quick and easy as workers don’t need to make phone calls and wait for responses if the foreman is not on site. In 2011, prefabricated construction was very popular for some commercial applications: 49% of those who used these processes for healthcare clinics, 42% used them for dorm rooms and college buildings, and 42% used these prefabricated modulars for manufacturing facilities.