There are a lot of businesses that do a large percentage or the primary bulk of their business via the internet today. In fact, there are even some companies that run entirely on the internet. Many of these companies provide some type of an item to the customer. Their storefront is online, either in Ebay,…
Month: March 2016
Setting Things in Motion for Your Industrial Service Company — Getting the Right Parts for Your Heay Equipment
Many areas of the industry, like construction, demolition and trucking, routinely rely on heavy equipment. In these fields, it is often important to efficiently tackle large moving or building requirements, and heavy equipment like commercial engine cylinders, hardox steel plates and line bores are frequently used to great effect to tackle industry requirements. In areas…
Five Characteristics of a Good Epedigree Solution
Pharmaceutical fraud is a glaring problem in the United States. In the last 15 years, it is estimated that there is been close to $200 billion in pharmaceutical counterfeiting, theft, and drug tampering. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the black market pharmaceutical industry costs legitimate pharmaceutical businesses about $32 billion in damages and…
How to Have a Complete Commercial Fire Protection Plan
Commercial fire protection is not just about preventing a fire. A complete fire protection system has measures in place for every stage: preventing, minimizing, and cleaning up. Hotel and motel fires result in about $76 million in property damage annually. It is ideal for a company that operates from a large building, such as a…
If Your Child Needs After School or Daytime Care, Shouldn’t They Receive the Best Care Available?
Whether you’re a first time parent, or a seasoned veteran, there is nothing more important than placing your child in the best hands when you’re not there. With fewer than one in three children having a full time, stay at home parent, child care has become a huge industry, and is becoming more and more…
Save more on your utility bills today
Having electric service is taken for granted in our modern society. It is a simple fact that every day we will likely be using a large amount of electricity. In fact, you are using electricity right now as you are reading this article. You might not even think about how many different ways you use…
Is Your Business Dying? Here’s 3 Ways to Shake Some Life Into It
You?ve had your business for several years now. At first, it was so easy to get people in the door you barely had to invest in any marketing. However, times change, and anything from shifting consumer tastes to the rising costs of raw materials, to the growth of of internet marketing could be cutting into…
Taking Compact to the Next Level an Office in a Storage Container
If you are looking for a used storage container for sale, you probably have a pretty good idea what you are going to modify it into becoming. Storage container modifications rose in popularity a few years ago. Since then, people have flooded the internet with pictures of their new pop-up restaurant containers, office containers, even…
Here’s How Ecommerce Order Fulfillment Services Can Take Your Company to the Next Level
Considering how many daily operations you need to juggle, between paying bills and hiring new employees, it can be difficult to satisfy the logistical aspects of your business. Ecommerce is more important than ever, and you need to take full advantage of online shopping to reach your full potential. With ecommerce order fulfillment services, you…
Providing Your Customers with Great Customer Service 24/7
The biggest problem with small businesses and gaining customer loyalty is the ability to be available to the customer, when needed. Many smaller companies are run by one or two individual owners. They may have other responsibilities, such as families, other jobs or they may be so overwhelmed with the many aspects of the business…