We live in a country that is free and opportunistic. Much of our freedom is due to the daily sacrifices that military members make on a daily basis. They join the army, give up significant portions of their lives, all to protect us. While there are a couple of active military and veteran support days,…
Month: November 2017
Charitable Clothing Donations How A Simple Act Of Kindness Can Do A World Of Good
“What can I do to help?” Have you found yourself asking this question lately? Then you’ve come to the right place. The act of wanting to help is the first step toward leaving a positive impact. It can be easy, though, to trip ourselves up by reaching for the moon when we should start small….
Do You Know Where to Donate Your Unused Clothing?
The leaders made a plan to make sure that all of the high school youth would stay connected to the new food pantry that has opened at the church. After the initial opening weekend and the most recent open house, enthusiasm for the emergency food pantry was running high. The donations came in at a…
Choosing the Right Manufacturer for Your Prototype Printed Circuit Boards
When it comes to electronic devices, it is all in the circuit. The electronic circuits that power electronic devices are complex designs, making use of the capabilities of multiple components housed on to a printed circuit board or PCB, which allows them to work their magic while having a compact form factor. Printed circuit boards…

The Benefits of Having a Digital Marketing Company
When you have a website that you want to get more attention online, it’s time to do some digital marketing. Digital advertising is needed to drive more traffic to your site, but it isn’t the only way to build traffic. There are many ways that you can enact a digital marketing strategy to get visitors….
Four Parts of your Office Lease Agreement that are Important to Understand
Entering into an office lease agreement is a big decision that can impact the financial success of your business. If your business has grown substantially that you require addition space, leasing retail space or warehouse space is a good idea. However, this does not mean that you should enter into any lease agreement. Entering into…
What Your Funeral Director Wants You to Know About Funeral Planning: Part 1
For many, funeral planning is a taboo topic of conversation. Even though death is a natural part of life, many people are wary of discussing what exactly they would like when it comes to the celebration of their life. Unfortunately, that leaves many families scrambling to plan a funeral at the worst possible time. However,…
Site Design and Other Issues Within the Construction Industry
The United States construction industry is considered to be one of the largest markets within the world. Currently, this industry’s annual revenue is $1.731 trillion with expenditures that exceed $1,162 billion. In 2016 alone, for example, the value of non-residential local and state government construction was $257.6 billion. ConstructConnect’s forecast indicates that there will be…