Guidance on Business, Finance, Investments, and Insurance
Are You Ordering Medication From the Internet? You Could Be Taking Counterfeit Medications
Do your medications come from a registered pharmacy? You could be ordering counterfeit medication online without realizing it: the market for counterfeit medicine topped $75 billion last year. New pharma track and trace protocols are making it easier for consumers…
Many Opportunities in the Heavy Equipment Field
Heavy equipment is used in a number of industries, from home building to commercial construction to major public works projects such as highways and bridges. The global construction equipment market is estimated at close to $150 billion a year, with…
The Tool Engineering That Fuels Society and Industry
We have come quite a long way since the invention of the wheel. Human beings are capable of so much, and we see evidence of this every where we turn. Across the pages of every book, in the towering buildings…
My Teen’s Spending Habits are Bankrupting Me! How to Start Saving Money on Clothing Today
There are more than 40 million teenagers in the United States, and parents are trying to cut their spending down to size. Clothing, food, prom: teens rake in $90 billion every year, and parents say their teens’ spending is out…
How to Become a Purchasing Agent
The job description for purchasing agent is pretty complex. Initially, you might think that it’s fairly simple; you buy products or services at a low price. However, it’s a little more complicated than that. The purchasing agent job description includes…